one year.

How can one year feel so long and so short at the same time?

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Yesterday was our ONE YEAR anniversary. 
We spent most of it driving back from NC in a car with no air conditioning,
eating the most missed, most wonderful food (at the restaurant where we had our first date in 2006!),
and munching on ice and slushies & car dancing for eight ours.


Jeff, I'm so excited about our future adventures. I love you more than ice cream.


Leah said...

You're cute.

nikaela marie said...

happy happy happy anniversary!!!


Gracia said...

Happy anniversary!! You looked beautiful! And that 1-year anniversary plan sounds fantastic. We're trying to plan ours now, it's a month and a half away!

I can't believe you had a tandem on your wedding... We had one pictured on the invites, programs, etc and when it came time to rent one (no budget to buy one)... it was like there are no tandems for rent in Spain :(

Sara Downton said...

happy anniversary! <3 lovely plans for the day.

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